02 Jun 15
June is here and that just means beach, beach and more beach for me. This shoot was so much fun as you can tell I feel like a mermaid out of water in this gorgeous dress. Sometimes all it takes is an article of clothing to really change your attitude on things. I think for me this dress was the start of not only a new month but a somewhat new me. I am dying for summer to begin because it's not only summer for me it's graduating college, putting me first and all my dreams right ahead of me. There's something quite magical about that. So no i'm not getting washed up or dragged out i'm the one in control here and this dress is wild and free and exciting like me. The cool thing about this dress is that although it's probably not meant to be worn the way I wore it, I liked that you could possibly wear it backwards so the beautiful vintage buttons become the front of the dress and the high low becomes reversed. I'm just a bit of a rebel wearing things my own way! ;) Shop my look below and keep up with my instagram for all the behind the scenes fun stuff ;)
xx @dancingwithflyingcolors
Monet's Garden Dress || Catherine Fulmer || SHOP DRESS || @Catherinefulmercollection
Statement Necklace by The Turquoise Forest || SHOP NECKLACE || @Theturquoiseforest
The Spiral Quartz || Jay Nicole Jewelry || SHOP NECKLACE || @Jay.Nicole.Jewelry
Bracelets by http://ropethemoonjewelry.com || @Ropethemoon
Beaded Bracelet handmade by https://www.etsy.com/shop/blissfullyliss || @Blissfullylissjewelry
Rings by || Inverness & Crane || @Invernessandcrane
Rings by || Indie and Harper || @IndieandHarper
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