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I like to live my life with full throttle adventure. So my outfits usually are driven by that as well. Exploring the crevices of what the beautiful Earth has to offer. I sometimes sit back at places like this and wonder how the heck this place exists. It's literally breathtaking. From rock climbing and getting an ultimate view to the top, it just feels incredible to be such a small blimp in the world. SO I live my life how Reef's motto is, #JUSTPASSINGTHROUGH. From  cities, to states, and eventually nationwide. I want to discover, learn and see what the whole world has to offer. 

>> >> FEATURED >> >>
>> REEF ROVER Low Fashion shoes || Reef || BUY SHOES << 

>> Dress by People's Project LA || <<

>> Necklace by Indiam Summer Collection || <<

>> RAEN Sunglasses || by || USE CODE: FLYINGCOLORS << 


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