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Destined to Create

Destined to create because these lovely paintings behind me happen to be my nana's artwork. I was only in my freshman year of high school when she passed away so I feel like I never got to explore career talk with her. I never got to share my love for photography or film with her. I never got to share my love for painting or creating with her. What I do remember is she loved to paint and decorate her house with her art and all kinds of other peoples art. I'll always remember that. Now being in my mid twenties I do the same. My whole apartment is decorated with art i've either painted or photos i've taken or friends have taken. I created my own space like my own little art gallery. It makes it fun when friends come to visit because they get to physically see my passion. 

Whenever I create for example the photos on this blogpost, I have a vision. I do everything to make it happen, like I'm destined to create to open my mind to you. Of course that vision changes when I start throwing things together. I usually get an idea then look around to see what I have or need to buy to make that vision come to life (ex: fruit, props, etc.)  With these particular ones I knew I wanted my dog Nicko sitting with me on my picnic blanket. Which is asking a lot she's supper hyper and never sits when the camera is pointed at her. Or if a phone is nearby she'll always look away. SOMEHOW we got her to actually sit for a while she was so calm and just wanted to sit near me and....... SHE WORE MY SUNGLASSES. I couldn't believe how many amazing photos we got of her literally shocked with how these came out so I HAD to make a blogpost out of it. I thought I'd be lucky if we got one good photo..... 

I never intended on having my nanas artwork behind me but as I was going through my moms house finding things to add to the photo I saw them sitting against a wall and got inspired to throw them in the shot not knowing if they'd even work or not. I have so much fun bringing what I see in my head to life. There's just something about creating that really makes me incredibly happy. It's that feeling of butterflies and emotions all mixed up. I know i'm destined to be doing these things. Sometimes I just create for me, just for fun because i've always loved doing it. Other times I create for companies and I treat both the same. I put all my effort, thoughts, passion and work into anything and everything I create. It doesn't matter if 1 person views my work or thousands I never aim for others approvals. As long as I love the image and what I'm creating that's all that matters.
I try to remember this with anything I do in life.

So if you're a creator or have that passion fueling inside of you ask yourself this next time you're creating. Are you doing this specific shot for others approval (to get likes or follows) or are you genuinely creating because you love to do it? Are you just copying someone's shot or making it your own? if no one liked the photo would you still like it? 

// Shop my dress //

photos edited with my presets. All photos taken by @darkmintdaisy


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