SOME THINGS I'VE LEARNED/STILL LEARNING while being 27 i'm on the verge of turning 28 aka tomorrow.... and it has me really thinking about this past year . I do this every time before a birthday. I'll either write in my notes on my phone or journal just to get the thoughts out. I wanted to share a blogpost on the matter because I feel like this year has been filled with highs-lows and so many things in between and I know turning older can be seen as a wake up call on wither you're on the right path or whatever so here's my take on turning another year older and here's some things i've learned.
i've learned that no matter who you are around BE YOURSELF. don't dim your shine for someone else. don't hide who you are be your silly, clumsy (sometimes or most times) spills on herself, passionate SELF. be genuine, be kind, share how you feel when you feel it and be kind to YOURSELF. i've been learning this over and over through dating, friendships and finding who i am because who i am is constantly growing and some people just aren't good for my mental health.
i've learned that you have to keep giving love and putting it out into the world. personally i've always been someone who puts love out there and it just hasn't ended up working out for me so i've just let it go, whatever is meant to be will be. I still believe that but, my views have slightly altered when I met someone truly special this year. he's taught me a lot about myself and what i want. he's taught me what a healthy relationship could look like and just because it didn't work out with him it doesn't mean i'm never going to find what i'm looking for. i've never put myself out there the way i did with him and i'm honestly so glad i did. things not going my way would've left me completely shattered in the past but i'm still thinking whatever is meant to be will be. this is a chapter in my novel of a life and i'm okay with it even if it hurts.
this brings me to:
i've learned to cut people out of my life who aren't good for me. i know a lot of people grow through friends and relationships it's natural and i wish this was talked about more especially in friendships. it may seem impossible to let go of someone who seems like they have your best intentions at hand but in reality all they do is cause you harm. i think for years it was really unhealthy. every time this person texted me i felt anxious, i always felt like they were mad at me, they never made me feel like i was good enough, and at the end everything we talked about was surface level. when i tried to get deep i just knew things wouldn't go over well and it didn't. i always had to fight for them to hear me. it was a battle that i always felt like i lost. but i felt like i had to have them in my life we had too many memories the highs were SO HIGH and the lows well, they cut me open when i was already bleeding. i realized after new years what would happen if i just didn't speak to them....aka they just never tried to mend anything yet again it was my fault. then the pandemic happened and after half a year of not speaking i feel like i could breathe again. this one person has caused me so much pain and still does when i see them randomly on social media but i know a lot of what they say and do has nothing to do with me and has everything to do with them. i feel bad that i can't be there for them anymore but whenever i look back at all of my highs and my accomplishments they were never celebrated or even talked about with them. i'm not trying to speak badly of them i still wish them all of the success, love and happiness. we still have mutual friends and i'm sure i'll see them again. just because they lost me as a friend doesn't mean they gained me as an enemy. so do me a favor, close your eyes and picture all of your relationships. friends, loved ones, bf or gf and now picture the ones that feel like sunshine. no one should ever make you feel like you're hard to love or that you aren't good enough and that goes for any relationship. and it's never too late to cut someone out who isn't good for your mental health. mental health is extremely important and it's something you have to work at every day. you have to surround yourself with people that are good for your mental health. your life will change drastically when you do.
i've learned that life is f*$#ing short. if this pandemic has taught me anything about living it's live like you don't have tomorrow because no one is guaranteed tomorrow. so appreciate the little things that make you happy and don't be so focused on what isn't working out in your life. focus on what is and how you're feeling. also when it comes to doing something you love like watching live music......i'm never going to leave a show early ever again. all the things we can't do this year just made me appreciate them that much more.
i've learned that YOU CAN do it if you set your mind to it. and YOU can change if you want to. you can change anything really: your mind, your life, your career, if you want to. i'm not at all saying it's an easy thing. you have to train your mind. your mind is a very powerful tool and i've learned a lot about what my mind controls and i've found myself angry a lot of this year with how things have been turning out. but then i focus on what i can control aka my mind and how i think about things. it's been a battle that's fursure and i'm not throwing the white flag in anytime soon.
i've learned that (and still always learning this) you are on your own path and no one else is on the same path as you. your path is YOURS and yours only so don't compare your path to anyone else's. I think this goes for a lot of us in our mid twenties, the pressure is real. society has told us especially women that we need to have everything figured out, a husband, a job, a family, the american dream....etc. i've thought about this a lot especially turning 28 i'm nowhere near where i thought i'd be by this age and i've come to realize that THAT is a blessing. how am i supposed to have everything in life figured out by 30 when i'm constantly trying to figure out who i am, what i truly want, how to make myself happy and how to love myself. i honestly don't have anything figured out and just because i'm not in a relationship, don't have a crazy successful job, and no kids it doesn't make me unloveable or bad at what i do it just means my path is mine and unlike anyone else's. i have an incredible life, i work my ass off and i wouldn't have it any other way.
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