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Not Just a Dreamer

Got the Monday Blues? Well… knock them away because Mondays are so underrated. I'm only saying that because Monday's are pretty much my weekend and I typically have them off. While most of you have gone back to school (I'm sorry)… i'm still getting used to not having to register for classes, or having to buy expensive books. Once school is over though it's weird, life kicks in and you get this overwhelming feeling that you HAVE to succeed, it's the reason why you've gone to school right? Things don't happen overnight though, and if you want to live a life you've always imagined you have to work for it every single day. My life motto or one of them, is "dreams don't work unless you do." And if you ask me no one is lucky, anyone whose ever made it to the top has worked their crazy asses off. So on days you feel like you can't take it anymore, keep fighting for what you believe in and keep working for your dreams or they become someone else's. 
---"Not Just a Dreamer, but a Doer" --- Wearing my favorite two piece in the streets of Downtown Los Angeles. (shop entire look below)


+ New Angel Blouse || RAGA LA || BUY TOP || @Raga_la

+ New Angel Shorts || RAGA LA || BUY SHORTS || @Raga_la

+ Sandals || Reef Girls || SHOP SANDALS || @Reef_girls

+Sunnies || Quay Australia


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