Here are 11 books that I highly recommend:

101 Essays to change the way you think by Brianna Wiest
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WOW what can I say about this book other than I AM COMPLETELY OBSESSED with it! I started it in the middle of last year when I was dealing with a lot emotionally and just needed something to take my mind off of things. I love learning and changing the way I think and I think this book not only helps you reflect on yourself but everyone you surround yourself with. I love that it puts so many things into perspective. I honestly gift this book to my friends and family because it's such a fun and easy read. I read a chapter or essay a day and my soul just feels better! It's a self love book and I can't tell you how many times i've cried while reading the essays. I'm honestly sad that I finished it I need more! Briana Wiest has such a way of speaking to your soul. She almost yells at you (in a good way). It really has changed me to my inner core. So I highly recommend this book to LITERALLY every single one of you and your friends and family.

Something In the Water by Catherine Steadman
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A lovely thriller that I hope one day becomes a movie because I was HOOKED. It's an easy book about a couple going to bora bora for their honeymoon and find "something in the water." I love a good thriller to keep me devouring the pages. I really could visualize the whole story and seriously this needs to become a movie. I couldn't put this one down from start to finish it was an overall exciting read!! My roommate is currently reading it because I clearly need to talk about the ending with somebody......

Daring Greatly by Brené Brown
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This was one of the first books I finished this year It was lovely to start off 2020 with such a powerful message. Daring Greatly: How the courage to be vulnerable transforms the way we live, love, parent and lead. I love a good self help book in between reading fiction. I'm gonna be real honest with you I have a hard time opening up being vulnerable, so this book really put things into perspective for me.
Nobody's Victim: Fighting Psychos, Stalkers, Pervs and Trolls by Carrie Goldberg
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This one was an eye opener. It was on my reading list and once it came out I had to buy it. It provides you with EXTREME knowledge about victims rights laws and rights that need to still happen. Carrie is not only telling her stories as a victim but using what horrible things she's gone through to help others. This book provides the perfect amount of knowledge and real stories of victims and the hard things they've been through. It's not supper easy to get through fast because there is so much information that I was trying to retain and it is dark since you are stepping into stories of actual victims Carrie is fighting for and still fighting for. It's worth the read though! These stories need to be heard and she does it in the perfect way!
Watching You by Lisa Jewell
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A murder mystery book that I devoured in a few days. It's told from different perspectives and is a lovely who-done it. It'll keep you on the edge of your seat or bed or wherever you read.A Deep Breath Of Life by Alan Cohen
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This one is a nice one it offers daily inspiration to live a heart-centered living. I read this one all of last year and I realized just how good reading each page felt. It has the date for each page so you just only need to read a page a day. I found reading them in the morning really made each day feel so lovely. There are prayers for everyday, so you can live life more centered and aware.
The Mastery Of Love: A Practical Guide to The Art of Relationship by Don Miguel Ruiz
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This book I read on and off a few chapters every time I picked it up. I love the stories he uses to tell his point of view. I really wanted to learn more about why we are the way we are and the effect of what we go through as children. It's a stimulating read and I definitely recommend this one.

A Spark of Light by Jodi Picoult
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This book is a major eye opening book! Without me giving away too much it definitely brought me to tears. It gives you all sides of abortion and how each character is brought together in a near death situation when a gun man shoots up a clinic. It's a heartbreaking story and comes together so well. If you want a good cry this book is definitely for you!!Currently still reading the ones below :)

No One is Too Small to Make a Difference by Greta Thunberg
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Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert
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The River at Night by Erica Ferencik
Buy the book $10.29
Have books you want me to read? Send me a message or leave a comment here!
I love the recommendations!
Thank you so much for reading! Of course I will try to do this more often I'm always looking for new books to read and love sharing the ones I obsess over! :)