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TODAY IS THE DAY! MARCH 1st embarks on a BRAND new journey ///// Cathie @Darkmintdaisy and I have worked really hard to get this out sooner but with life and hustling we are proud to announce our new web series on YOUTUBE. To explain a little about it, we enjoy adventuring, mixing it up and going outside of ordinary. We like to explore the roads less traveled by and try new places that we've never been before, or places that we LOVE and can't get enough of. This first episode embarks on our journey in December to San Clemente. San Clemente is one of my FAVORITE getaway beach towns, there was a point where we'd go there once a week… All our episodes are similar but different at the same time! We wanna show you what and how we get the shots you've seen on our instagrams, we wanna show you EVERYTHING. So you can take the journey with us and I hope you like this video and continue to watch our upcoming videos! WE ARE SO EXCITED AND PLEASE WATCH/LIKE/SHARE and watch again!

With lovely Music by the OH SO DAMN TALENTED >>>>


Filmed by: Rachel Leyco
Edited by: Yours truly

NEXT  EPISODE: 2 weeks from now


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