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Live Wild, Flower Child

It's so crazy to me how another year is finishing up just like that. I want to finish this year with some of my favorite things, simple things. Flowers are probably one of my favorite things. They never ask for attention but get loads of it, and I love that. They come in all shapes and sizes, all different colors and we love them despite that; because they bring joy to our lives. I have a special handmade bracelet that reads DXDWANDER because it's a symbol of my best friend Cathie and I. We came up with our youtube name DXDWANDER because of our instagram names since hers is @darkmintdaisy and mine is @dancingwithflyingcolors it only made sense we combine the D's and we're huge wanderers! I'll have it engraved now and overtime I wear it, it reminds me of our friendship our goals and what we hope to achieve. So thank you officialhautmonde for the bracelet.

I believe in living life to the fullest. That could mean many things. It doesn't have to mean recklessly or traveling to the most extravagant places, to me it means the simple in everyday things. Doing something everyday that means something to someone else. Smiling at a stranger, helping a stranger, inspiring even if it's one person, and doing things that will lift other's spirits up. Wither it's trying something you've always been afraid of or wearing that accessory that makes you stick out, I believe in being different and sharing those differences for the better. So do something today that will make not only your soul smile but someone else's. Because, I believe in the simplicity of random acts of kindness, our society needs it. We all need it. So live wild, love wild and open a door for a stranger today! 

Live wild, Flower Child 
xoxo Ashley



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