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>>>Tail Feathers>>>>

Shake your TAIL FEATHERS! I am stoked to bring you this post because it involves a lot of my favorite things. Dancing, flash tattoos and a colorful scarf. The highlight of this post is this scarf from Printed Village (((you can find the link at the end of the post in featured items))) It was a great collaboration and I am so thankful that Printed Village reached out to me. It's one of the most versatile things in my closet. Getting it I had no idea it would be this large and that's one of the things I love. I've used it as a head wrap, a blanket, a skirt, and while swimming a dress. I wanted to showcase how you could use it in this post because it's more than just another scarf. 
Another thing I wanted to showcase was my Flash Tattoos which are these amazing temporary tattoos that are inspired by jewelry. Constantly I got asked while wearing them what they were and how cool they looked. I am obsessed with them and you can buy them at plenty of stores now as well as online. 
Thanks for checking out my blog and stay up to date with me on Instagram and Twitter (mainly instagram) haha @dancingwithflyingcolors and Twitter @ash3pry

Featured Items: 
Tail Feather Scarf || Printed Village ||  CLICK TO BUY || @PrintedVillage #Printedvillage

Flash Tattoos || PlanetBlue || Flash Tat || CLICK TO BUY || @Flashtattoos @shopplanetblue #Flashtat 

Top || TopShop || Nordstrom || @Topshop @Nordstrom

Crochet Denim Shorts || Levis || @levis 

Sunglasses || Pacsun || @Pacsun #myGSOM #Pacsun

Lipstick || Mac 


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