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Cactus Garden

One day I happened to stumble upon this amazing Cactus Garden in Beverly Hills….Yep that's right this is Beverly Hills. I've always wanted to shoot here and finally I did. It was the perfect spot for what I was aiming for. Since my shirt says Desert Road I definitely wanted that vibe. This tapestry is by far the coolest thing and is going straight up in my living room. It is so versatile from being a picnic blanket, to a beach blanket, to adding some Elephant love into your home/apartment. It really comes in handy for the adventurers and the on-the-goers, the travel seekers and the dreamers. Another cool thing about this post is my T-shirt. It was colored by me and comes with a discounted code! Shop my outfit through the links below: 

Photos: @darkmintdaisy


+ Desert Road Tee ||  || SHOP T-SHIRT || @Qteeshirts
for 15% OFF use code : QTA15

+ Elephant Tapestry || Ankit || SHOP TAPESTRY || @iheartankit

+ Soul Healer Ring || The Boho Trader || SHOP RING || @thebohotrader

+ The Rider Belt || Jay.Nicole.Jewelry || SHOP BELT || @Jay.Nicole.Jewelry

+ Metallic Tattoos || Season Folk || SHOP TATTOOS || @Seasonfolk

+ Handmade Ring || Inverness & Crane || || @Invernessandcrane

+ Silver Wave Ring and Moonstone Ring || Indie and Harper || WAVE RING || MOONSTONE RING || @Indieandharper


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