HAPPY EASTER, lovelies! I hope your day is filled with Love, God, and happiness. Recently I visited one of my FAVORITE like all time hands down- the place that makes me forget anything I'm going through....places. It's magical. And it's a bit of a drive but hey what the heck, my life is about the journey not the destination. So the best friend and I went and I'm acting like we're at Disneyland BEYOND EXCITED. It's just the perfect place to visit before and during Easter. Which has me also thanking God for everything he's put me through. In one of my favorite books called "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan I've highlighted this quote "Both worry and stress reek of arrogance. They declare our tendency to forget that we've been forgiven, that our lives here are brief, that we are headed to a place where we won't be lonely, afraid, or hurt ever again, and that in the context of God's strength, our problems are small, indeed."
So true! So spend today with the ones you love and thank God for every precious moment. Have an incredible day! And shop entire look below! <33
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