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Out of the Woods

Just the usual climbing trees, dangling off them barefoot in a dress. Life's an adventure, so don't waste it even if your feet bleed. BOY do I have many stories of hurting myself just by being barefoot….haha but you don't need to hear too much about that. This dress makes me feel like a fairy and I LOVE IT. I'm currently sitting with my coffee, and reading this book called Love by LEO BUSCAGLIA. It's an amazing book so far and i'm about 20 pages in and now i'm quite obsessed. I think a lot of us settle for love that we don't deserve but we're all just learning through experiences. I'll just leave you with this quote cause YOU gotta read it. "What we think is less than what we know: What we know is less than what we love: What we love is so much less than what there is; and to this precise extent, we are much less than what we are." 

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